
Events posted here are relevant to our Mission …

To preserve the unique character of Bozeman’s neighborhoods while working with the city on housing affordability, availability and natural resource sustainability.

Tuesday, October 8th,


City Commission meeting

Wednesday, October 16th,


City Hall

Monday, October 21st


City Hall

Monday, October 7th,


City Hall

Thursday, October 10th,


City Hall

The City Commission will vote whether or not to repeal and replace the existing urban camping ordinance with a new Urban camping ordinance. View their full agenda here.

Email your thoughts to

The Historic Preservation Advisory Board will hold a work session on the future of the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District (NCOD) and receive a preview of the recommendations from consultants. The NCOD is the reason that we have some charming neighborhoods left in the core of Bozeman. These neighborhoods are more than the houses in them; they are our history! They belong to the future. We are simply stewards for future generations. Please attend in order to learn where this board and the Consultants from Community Planning Collaborative suggest we take this overlay district and a Landmark Program in the future.

The Community Development Advisory Board will receive a presentation from Community Planning Collaborative on the future of the NCOD and the Local Landmark Program. This board actually has power, so please attend to see how they react to recommendations. It may inform how we advocate for Historic Preservation in the UDC rewrite.

Concerned about sprawl? The Community Development Advisory Board will receive a presentation update on Gallatin County’s Future Land Use Map (FLUM) rewrite. It’s a bit like the UDC for the County. This is where we control sprawl. The County has been conducting engagement on how to update the land use regulations. Come see how it’s going. Here’s the boards agenda.

Is your neighborhood represented on the Inter Neighborhood Council? Find out here: Neighborhoods Program. If so, come meet your representative! Here is our agenda for the October 10th meeting. If you’re not represented, maybe you’re the perfect person to organize your neighbors and join this advisory board! Email the City of Bozeman Neighborhoods Program Manager, Emily Kiely, for more information.