The only thing necessary for the destruction of the character of Bozeman’s neighborhoods is for us to do nothing

What’s Happening

Bozeman is experiencing unprecedented growth resulting in a high demand for all types of new housing.  Developers have flocked to Bozeman to meet that demand but with a focus on their own profits over the needs of the local community.

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The Proposed New Unified Development Code (UDC)

Adhering to the developer and investor led narrative, that more housing will bring down prices, our City Commission and staff drafted a new UDC using the services of Austin TX based Code Studio.  After limited resident input, the City presented their new draft code in August of 2023.  It was received with such intense backlash that the City was forced to pause the code update.

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Bozeman Deserves a Neighborhood Friendly UDC

We believe that a neighborhood friendly Unified Development Code supports new developments of walkable satellite communities with mixed housing types, neighborhood scale businesses, green space and good access.

We also believe that a neighborhood friendly Unified Development Code protects the unique character of Bozeman’s existing neighborhoods and their economic diversity, with clear, unambiguous regulations.  We at the Better Bozeman Coalition are advocating for the following regulations to be added or improved in the new UDC.

Better Mass and scale protections

McMasion ban based on strict floor area ratio regulations

Neighborhood friendly zone edge transitions

Protection of our urban forest

Protection of our central and historic neighborhoods

Adopt a Deconstruction Ordinance

Protect Home and Business Solar Generation

Read our new report, “A Neighborhood Friendly Unified Development Code.” This report was submitted at the Request of Mayor Cunningham to the Bozeman City Commission on Friday, May 31st, 2024. It is the result of hundreds of hours of voluntary work by members of the BBC, performed in the spirit of our mission to,

“Preserve the unique character of Bozeman’s neighborhoods while working with the city on housing affordability, availability and natural resource sustainability.”

What You Can Do

At the Better Bozeman Coalition, we believe that the challenges of growth can be met without destroying the things that make Bozeman unique. And so our mission is to preserve the unique character of Bozeman’s neighborhoods while working with the city on housing affordability, availability and natural resource sustainability.

This is where we need your help!  Lots of the initiatives and goals of the Better Bozeman Coalition require research, passion and ideas!  What area of this project catches your eye?  Do you have ideas that can improve Bozeman’s Unified Development Code (UDC)?  Are you curious about what Bozeman will or could look like in the future?  Can you help us bring ideas for a neighborhood friendly UDC to the city commission?  This is an amazing opportunity to be a part of the future of Bozeman and help create a UDC that protects the unique character of Bozeman’s existing neighborhoods while at the same time being welcoming, inclusive, thoughtful and lasting.  

A neighborhood friendly Unified Develop Code is our most important priority and we need your help.   Bring us your ideas, your passion, your time and your energy.

Join Us!